A message from Johnny Timpson OBE

You may not know me, but I have spent most of my life campaigning, arguing – and sometimes fighting – for better rights for everyone. Improvements have been made – but we still have a long way to go. We know that those with physical and mental disabilities, and those who would be classified as ‘vulnerable’ in some way, do not always experience the same results from firms as those who do not.

Many firms are trying to do better. To do so, they need to know a little more about you. After all, they can’t respond to your needs if they don’t know what those needs are. This can perhaps be a little awkward to talk about at first – I know, because I’m classified as having characteristics of vulnerability. But with this information, firms can do a lot better in terms of how they communicate with you, the products and services they provide, and how they respond in an emergency.

As well as being a campaigner for equity for all, I’m also proud to be the chair of MorganAsh. You may have come to this website because you’ve been asked to provide information by one of MorganAsh’s clients – it’s often their job to do this on a firm’s behalf. MorganAsh has been assessing and helping people for over twenty years – so there are few firms as well placed as we are to do this.

Like me, MorganAsh is part of a drive to make things better for everyone.

It’s not about giving people a label. It’s about understanding you – the customer, so you can be treated as the individuals that you are. With your help, we can make things better for you and everyone.

Thank you.


Johnny Timpson OBE

About Johnny Timpson OBE

Johnny Timpson OBE is a highly regarded consumer vulnerability expert with more than 40 years of experience within the insurance and protection sectors. He has a passion for helping vulnerable consumers and holds numerous positions across the financial services industry, including as a member of the FCA’s Financial Services Consumer Panel. 

He is also a member of GAIN, the Group for Autism, Insurance, Investment and Neurodiversity, the Prime Minister’s Champion Group for Dementia Communities, BIBA Access To Insurance Committee and the Building Resilient Households Group. In addition, he is a founding member of the Financial Resilience Taskforce, a Vocational Rehabilitation Association Expert Friend, Insurance Institute of London Diversity & Inclusion Committee Member, Age Irrelevance Ambassador and Grief Chat Ambassador. 

Johnny received his OBE as part of the 2022 New Year Honours list, for voluntary services to people with disabilities and the financial sector.