Registration services

Register as a UK consumer who needs specific considerations.

Registration services are designed to support ‘at risk’ individuals, preventing them from having to repeat the same information time and again.

If you are in crisis and in need of immediate mental health support call NHS 111 option 2 or Samaritans on 116 123, text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 or go to your nearest A&E department.

The Learning Disability Register

People on the register can get extra support from the doctor’s surgery. Most doctors’ surgeries have a learning disability register. It helps the doctor’s surgery know who may need extra support. Anyone of any age and any level of disability can be on the learning disability register.

The Priority Services Register

The Priority Services Register is a free UK-wide service which provides extra advice and support, including when there’s an interruption to your electricity, gas or water supply.


Vulnerability Registration Service

The Vulnerability Registration Service helps financial services providers to identify and ensure the fair treatment of vulnerable people – helping to treat customers fairly. Registering with the Vulnerability Registration Service can make financial services firms aware of your needs.

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