Who is MorganAsh?

MorganAsh has been assessing and helping those people with specific needs, or those who may be going through a difficult time, for around twenty years.

About MorganAsh

MorganAsh is a specialist in assessing and helping ‘vulnerable consumers’. MorganAsh is used by many firms, including many of the best-known financial services companies. MorganAsh is based in Runcorn, in the UK. MorganAsh works with the majority of UK and Ireland’s life insurance companies, to provide a range of services focused on health and well-being.

Specialists in consumer vulnerability and well-being

Firms use MorganAsh because they value the input of an independent specialist. We have experience, expertise and systems that they don’t typically have – and are part of our core expertise. We have designed and built dedicated, secure IT systems. We have a team of fully qualified, senior nurses who help us design and undertake assessments and consumer support. All of the nurses have worked within the NHS and private health care for many years.

Why is MorganAsh undertaking my assessment?

MorganAsh has the most suitable IT systems and skills to do this. Also, many firms value that MorganAsh is independent. Over the last twenty years, MorganAsh has assessed many tens of thousands of people.