I want to be treated like the individual I am.
Supporting inclusivity and fairness
Everyone is different, but many companies treat people in exactly the same way, even when they have radically different needs. We want to improve on this – and enable firms to treat each individual in a way that is suitable for them – so people are better served. Also, the government is asking firms to better understand their customers, so they can be treated fairly – and avoid poor outcomes. We’re here to help make that happen – and you can help us to help you.
Why have I been asked for information about myself?
If you’ve had an email from us, or from MorganAsh, it’s to help find out a bit more about you, so that you can be treated according to your individual needs and circumstances. This enables firms to work around your needs better – and it helps them comply with regulations.
What is ‘consumer vulnerability’?
There’s a big push in the UK to make sure everyone is treated fairly and equally. The UK government is asking firms to make sure they understand their customers and act according to their needs. While most people don’t like to think of themselves as ‘being vulnerable’, this term is often used.
Who is MorganAsh?
MorganAsh is a UK firm that specialises in assessing and helping people, especially people with specific needs or those who may be going through a difficult time. MorganAsh has been doing this for around twenty years, for some of the UK’s best-known companies.
“We can all be vulnerable in certain contexts: if we make a purchase at a stressful time, for example, or feel under pressure to make a choice between different options that we do not fully understand. Some of us experience vulnerability during particularly difficult periods of our lives, while for others vulnerability derives from longer term challenges, such as physical disability or protracted periods of poor mental health.”
— Andrew Tyrie, chair, Competition and Markets Authority

It’s who we are
This website is operated by MorganAsh, a specialist in assessing and helping vulnerable people. It is operated for the benefits of our clients, their customers – and for all organisations wishing to support and help their vulnerable customers.